Thursday, November 24, 2005

Today the group visited Dachau Concentration Camp.
Because of our professor, we talked with Albert Knoll, who brought out artifacts that belonged to some of the 'prisoners.' He told us stories of what they knew about each artifact. It was really interesting to hear the stories of some of the inmates, but so unfathomable to think of what happened to them.
They also have a movie about Dachau that is shown in the exhibition. Some of the footage is taken by Nazi soldiers.

Today was one of those days that you just couldn't believe that people allowed that to happen. With my naive view of the world, I thought that people just didn't know what was happening in the camps. I thought that everything was a big secret and once people found out, that is when resistance happened. Its not though. People knew. People watched this happen. People helped and allowed this to happen. I just cant believe it...

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